Why is it Good to eat Beets?

The health benefits of beets are treatment of anemia, heartburn, constipation, kidney disorders, dandruff, cancer, and heart disease. It likewise averts macular degeneration, enhances blood flow, helps in healthy skin, prevents cataracts and mediates respiratory problems. These health benefits of beet are as a result of their richness in nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Otherwise called blood turnips, garden beets or red beets, beets are low in sodium and fat and offer 37 calories for every 1/2 cup. Moreover, beets contain supplements that promote good health. To appreciate these brilliantly, incorporate beets into plates of mixed greens and soups or use them on sandwiches. You can likewise add beets to your most loved favorite  foods to make them more nutritious and fun.

Why is it Good to eat Beets?


1. Eating Beets energize good emotional and mental health

Beets are a good source of folate offering 68 micrograms for a 1/2-cup serving of the cooked vegetable. This sum meets 17 percent of your daily recommended value of 400 micrograms per day. Likewise called vitamin B-9, folate is important for optimal brain health. You require folate for good emotional and mental health. The vitamin additionally helps your body produce DNA and RNA, the genetic material. It works as an inseparable unit with vitamin B-12 to iron function properly in your body to produce red blood cells.


2. Eating Beets ensure healthy brain and nerve function

A 1/2-glass serving of cooked beets furnishes you with 0.28 milligram of manganese, meeting 12 percent to 16 percent of your daily requirements for the mineral. Your body needs manganese for  blood-clotting, sex hormones, bones and connective tissue. What's more, the mineral plays an urgent part in calcium absorption, carbohydrate and fat metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Eating manganese-rich foods, for example, beets ensures your brain and nerve function at optimal levels.


3. Eating Beets help in  preventing chronic diseases

Beets are a rich source of the chemical Betaine. Also called Trimethylglycine or Betaine anhydrous, Betaine plays a vital role in cellular reproduction and liver function  and helps your body metabolize Homocysteine, an amino acid. As indicated by a study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition"  Betaine has been shown to improve performance, improve vascular risk factors and protect internal organs. Evidence also shows that the nutrient may help in preventing numerous chronic diseases.


4. Eating Beets help fight age-related diseases

Red beets contain high concentrations of water-soluble nitrogen-containing pigments called Betalains. These pigments exhibit antiviral impacts and can lessen tumor cell growth, as indicated by an article published in the journal "Food Research International"  Consuming red beets helps to protect against age-related diseases. Betalains and other phenolic compounds found in these vegetables protect lipids against oxidative damage and enhance your antioxidant status. In addition, Betalains have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Beets are high in nutrients supplements, via, folate, manganese, potassium, and vitamin C, making them an excellent source of nutrients, and a particularly good choice for pregnant women who have higher folate needs during pregnancy.

In their uncooked state, beets likewise contain an essential compound called Betaine, which research has shown reduces several compounds linked to inflammation in the body. In other words, it’s a great anti-inflammatory food that helps protect us from the effects of aging and disease.



Beets are one of nature’s miracles in the prevention of cancer:  The fiber found in beets seems to increase the body’s special immune compounds that are responsible for detecting and removing abnormal cells before they can become cancerous. Beets fight cancer the phytonutrients; proanthocyanidins, that gives beets their rich purplish-red hue has potent anti-cancer capabilities. Research has also shown that beets help in purifying the blood.

Beets also help purge the liver: Liver is one of the most overworked organs in the body, with over 500 functions including cleansing toxins, removing excess hormones, and metabolizing fat. Eating beets will help its proper functioning.